Can massage and myotherapy help relieve pain during your menstrual cycle?

Dysmenorrhea (pain/cramps during a woman’s menstrual cycle), is so common it has sadly become the “norm”.

I’ve researched some studies on the effect of massage on dysmenorrhea caused by endometriosis.
The results showed there was a “statistically significant difference between the intensity of pain before the intervention started, immediately after, and also six weeks after”.

The conclusion of this study amongst other studies, suggested that massage therapy can be a great method to help reduce menstrual pain caused by endometriosis!

It is not a cure, but it has been shown to help with the pain symptoms.
*For more information on this study and endometriosis, click this URL to read more in depth of the whole study

Any other benefits?

Massage can also reduce cortisol (stress hormone). and release your happy hormones to help manage stress during this time and increase your mood.

Let’s hope there is more to come on treating endometriosis and PMS in the near future, but for now if you struggle with these symptoms, then why not give massage a go to try reduce pain and stress!


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