Frequently Asked Questions


  • Click onto the ‘Pricing’ heading to find out what duration will be best for you!

  • Wear comfortable and loose clothing if possible.
    Please wear underwear or we will not commence with treatment.
    If wearing a bra, please wear a bra that un-clips from the back so it can be un-clipped when laying on your stomach and clipped back on before getting up or turning over.

  • We accept cash or card through Square.
    If you have private health insurance, we are providers but we do not have a HICAPS machine - we will send you an invoice with our provider number so you can claim online, in person or over the phone with your health insurance.

  • The treatment we are doing will justify whether or not it’s a good idea to exercise on the same day.
    Other factors include your recovery goals, pain scale, symptoms, condition and what rehab is needed to improve.

    When treating an overuse condition, higher pain levels or injury, and any treatment involving deep tissue massage - it is recommended to wait at least 24 hours before doing anything extraneous to let the body recover and avoid damage.

    Treatments where the goal is to switch under-facilitated muscles on (or not a lot of pain present) involving non-invasive methods such as dry needling; exercising can be beneficial to get the body moving again while in a good state and with your brain having registered your muscles from the dry needling.
    It’s also great to train your muscles whilst in a better position after correcting posture to learn how to maintain and strengthen this.

    Always ask if you plan on exercising after treatment to get the best professional advice catered to you.

  • If there is fresh bruising and/or a tear present, wait at least 3-5 days for the inflammation of the injury to go down before getting a treatment.
    Send an email to enquire about your injury and whether or not it is too soon to be treated.

  • Please make sure to contact us earlier than 6 hours before your appointment to avoid a cancellation fee.
    We understand if there is an emergency, sickness or traffic conditions.
    Cancellation policy is disclosed prior to booking online.
    If you are running late, please contact as soon as possible as we may need to reschedule or make your appointment time shorter.

  • -Use a heat pack on achy and tender areas, have a hot shower or bath
    -Take magnesium (doctor approved) via drinking powder, bath salts, or spray/cream
    -Rest for the day if advised
    -Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins
    -Can do light exercise like walking, swimming, yoga and stretching (if recommended by therapist)
    -Corrective exercises if advised during treatment

    Always ask for advice from your practitioner if unsure.

  • Yes! Restore Rhythm is a private health provider.
    If your private health cover has Myotherapy included, then you can claim your session with our invoice.

    Although you can pay by card, we do not have a HICAPS machine - so we will send your invoice after our session and you can claim via phone or online.

    • Headaches

    • Neck and upper back pain

    • Nerve compression (pins and needles, numbness, weakness (down the legs, toes, arms, fingers))

    • Lower Back Pain

    • Flexor and Extensor tendinopathy (Forearm pain, Medial and Lateral Elbow pain “tennis elbow” “golfer’s elbow”)

    • Plantarfasciopathy “Plantarfasciitis” (pain under the foot)

    • Disc pathology “bulging disc’’

    • Jaw Pain and stiffness

    • Frozen shoulder and other shoulder impingement

    • Carpal Tunnel

    • Knee Pain

    • Postural/muscular imbalances

    • Shin pain/shin splints

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Chronic Pain

    • General pain and tightness after exercising (DOMS)

    • Sciatica symptoms

    • Sinus, inflammation and swelling symptoms (using MLD)

    • C-section and abdominal scarring

Have a question? Contact us below!